translated from Spanish: In Santa Cruz the national ballots must be separated from the provincial

Candidates for the governorship of Santa Cruz, including the current representative Alicia Kirchner, who is going for re-election, will not be able to “stick” their ballots to those of the presidential formulas, as ruled on Tuesday by the National Election Chamber.In that province Patagonian, the gubernatorial election syllains coincide with the national STEPS. And according to the electoral justice ruling, “in the case of elections of different legal nature – which is evidenced by the choice of candidates in the provincial ones and pre-candidates in the national ones – would be inappropriate and in the way of the principles of clarity and transparency required by the electoral process, to proceed with the accession of suffrage ballots”. As the judges ruled, the central motive for this measure is to avoid voter confusion. In Santa Cruz the Law of Slogans governs, which implies that the voter must choose from several candidates of the same force (motto) and then the winner of the most voted slogan is chosen. This only applies at the provincial level.” They have motivated the separation of ballots in concurrency assumptions of elections of the same type, when the application of the slogan law system leads to a proliferation of the number of ballots available in the darkroom,” the ruling explains. Thus, the Justice prevented Governor Alicia Kirchner, as well as other candidates of the same motto, from carrying her ballot attached to Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner.The same goes for the opposition candidate, the national senator Eduardo Costa, whose national senator Eduardo Costa, whose ballot will not be able to go alongside that of Mauricio Macri, presidential candidate of Together for Change. In this note:

Original source in Spanish

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