translated from Spanish: Pichilemu, Primavera and Paredones projects are awarded for good municipal tourism practices

For the fourth consecutive year Sernatur organizes the National Competition of Good Municipal Tourism Practices, which during this version crowned as winners to the municipalities of Pichilemu, of the O’Higgins Region; Spring, from the Magellan Region and Chilean Antarctica; and Wallones, from the O’Higgins Region.
“With this competition we seek to recognize and highlight the innovative initiatives that are being developed in regions associated with local tourism promotion, which directly benefits the municipalities and their tourism promotion, contributing to the boost entrepreneuriado,” said Sernatur’s national director, Andrea Wolleter.
The winners were chosen from a total of 26 applicants by a jury composed of representatives of the public-private sectors of the tourism industry – Sernatur, Undersecretariat of Tourism, Subdere, AMTC, ACHM, Societur and Transforma Turismo – who defined proposals based on nature tourism, indigenous tourism, beach or rural tourism, which would favor the development of local tourism.
The mayor of the Municipality of Pichilemu, Roberto Córdova, noted that “this is very good news for the tourism sector of Pichilemu. We are happy to recognize this initiative promoted by the municipality whose objective is to generate conditions of inclusion for both the people of our commune and for the tourists who visit us”. The building added that “Pichilemu beach has inclusive access, allowing all people to be welcomed without problems.”
“Pichilemu is played by a more inclusive beach” – Pichilemu
Among its main attractions are extensive beaches of grey sands and its great swell that make it the capital of national surfing. Welcoming the needs of all its visitors, the Municipality has been generating instances to provide access to people in a situation of disability so that they can enjoy tourism with equity and dignity, through the design of products with services and environment associated with it.
In this context, during the summer season and through the inclusion office, the Community Program called “Pichilemu is played by a more inclusive beach” was implemented.
This program promoted universal access to the spa, through the acquisition of five off-road chairs and an amphibian chair, which allowed these users to enjoy the beach on an equal footing, thus favoring their inclusion Social.
“Traveller’s Stop in Cerro Sombrero”– Spring
The project “Kiosco Turístico Cerro Sombrero y Baños Públicos Municipales” comes to cover a need of the Magellan region and Chilean Antarctica, in which, being the largest region of our country, the distances are very long between one point and another, so it is necessary to have services like these. Specifically in Tierra del Fuego, which is the largest island in The Americas (proportional to the territory of Switzerland), there are only seven population centers of medium importance throughout the island, four of them on the Chilean side and three large on the Argentine side. There come hundreds of tourists in search of information and a transit place where they can access basic services. For this reason, the commune of Primavera completed this project that includes a tourist kiosk, meeting point of cultural activities, equipped with computers and wifi points, where local tourist information is also provided to the traveler; public baths and car parking lots of all dimensions.
“Municipal Ordinance Promotes Quinoa Consumption in Wall Restaurants”– Paredones
In the commune of Paredones, small and medium-sized farmers who for generations have cultivated the subspecies or ecotype of quinoa of “sea level”, they are given the task of rescuing and putting it in value, not only for purposes of self-consumption or exchange, but also of Marketing.
In order to enhance the consumption of this product in the commune, the Municipality of Paredones, in the search for new focal points of interest for tourists and with the aim of publicizing the ancestral rural gastronomic customs created the “Ordinance of the Promotion and Dissemination of the Consumption of Quinoa in the Commune of Wallons”. It is the first commune in the country to have an agri-food ordinance.
To date there are fifteen restaurants of Paredones that signed a collaboration agreement with the municipality to promote the consumption of quinoa, which have a “Distinctive Seal”, which guarantees the community and tourists that in such affiliated premises there are dishes prepared with this vital grain.

Original source in Spanish

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