translated from Spanish: It comes with everything: what will happen in the fourth episode of “The Marginal 3”?

On Tuesdays they have a marginal aura. That sense that alerts us that we will see a new episode of the series, that already goes for its third season and that won (in 2017) the award Martín Fierro de Oro.After the scope and recognition of the first, the team of Undergroun Productions began to crack the second and you Part of it, which tell the story before the events that were broadcast back in 2016.Remember, this third season is temporarily located one year from the abduction of the Borges to Luna Lunati (Maite Lanata) and two years after the “riot of the pigeons”, a measure that took the inmates to displace Toad Quiroga (Roly Serrano).
The Borges negotiate for their freedom, but all freedom comes at a price and theirs is the protection of the young man who, victim of their negligence and misfortune, caused an accident in which several of his friends died. Cristian (Lorenzo “Toto” Ferro), the boy, is the son of a businessman (Gustavo Garzón), who in turn maintains a close bond with Judge Cayetano Lunati (Mariano Argento), Luna’s father, which means more than a friend to the boy.

Diosito ? Photo: Instagram @furtadonico

Lunati and businessman Prado negotiate with the director of the penal, Antín (Gerardo Romano) to commission the Borges to protect Christianity. It is when Mario (Claudio Rissi) demands in return his release and, of course, that of his brother. This third season brings together the classic protagonists such as Martina Gusmán, Abel Ayala, Brian Buley, Carlos Portaluppi, among others, and includes new characters by Ana María Picchio, Alejandro Awada, Cumelén Sanz and more. Even fiction dares to include a reference to the multiple femicide of dentist Ricardo Barreda, with a character similar to the one nicknamed “Tubito” but who, unlike “Conchita”, is a biochemist, who once inside San Onofre, is responsible for leading the fabrition of the drug that the Borges market.What we’ll see in tonight’s episode
This Tuesday, July 30, from 22 hours on Public TV will broadcast the fourth episode of this season that has a total of eight episodes. Character by character, we tell you some details of what will happen today and how it will impact later on the story. They move the “Crazy” Ortiz
Tubito’s presence in San Onofre seems silent, almost unnoticed but everything tells us that this is a time bomb that could explode at any time and in the worst way. Just remember the images from the first few minutes of the previous chapter, in which she showed how she caused the femicide of her wife, sister-in-law and mother-in-law. Without worrying about it, inmates provoke him, far from fearing him or keeping some distance. 


Some situations are about to change in San Onofre with the arrival of a new intern (played by Marcelo Mazzarello), a former footballer who recovers from his addictions: Loco Ortiz. “You lost the crown, this one is crazier than you”, threatens Mario Borges as pre-arrival of this new character. In the previous episode, Antín faced the graduate Emma Molinari for her consumption of narcotics. Not because he meddled in his personal affairs but because the director of the criminal system, Estela Morales (Picchio) “steps on his heels” to dismantle illicit business, inoperability and corruption within the criminal law. Morales also faced Molinari. He wants it on his team, as well as needing an informant to get evidence of what’s going on inside the walls of St. Onofre.

Emma and Tubito

However, the graduate struggles to evade the traumatic events she experienced in the penalty season (what we saw in the second season) through her consumption. And who is your supplier? Tubito.” He doesn’t know the joy he gives me every time he sends me to call,” the dupemidated tells him. “I ran out, have you?” he asks desperately, while the intern replies in amazement: “Did you take them all?” The evolution of Ema’s character will be key to her becoming the committed social worker we met in the first season. Although the greatest of the Borges did his best to dilute the ghost of Mecha (La Joaqui), the love of God, he cannot help but miss her. 

Claudio Rissi is Mario Borges

Therefore, Gladys (Ana Garibaldi) took the criminal to Karina (Cumelén Sanz), a past romance of Diosito, with the warning that he would not tell her anything about the young woman’s death. However, we know that “the lie has short legs” and that the characters talk a lot, so the youngest of the brothers will know what actually happened. In this chapter you will face Mario. This season will reflect the tension between the brothers, a key issue to ensure The God’s transition to become the autonomous character (not so dependent on the clan boss) we met in the first season. “Marquitos makes it, Marquitos pays for it”
While the group of “the hottest crazy people in the county” try to sabotage the Borges’ protection plan something goes wrong: Cristian gets hurt by Marcos, boxer Bruni’s nephew (Axada).

Under 21 anger

This conflict causes the Sub 21 to “let go of the hand” of the boy – who is clear that he has little time left to be released – and when the Borges find out that he was the one who wounded Cristian, they will take pictures of him.

Mark, Bruni’s nephew

“Marquitos makes it, Marquitos pays for it,” God threatens. The punishment: fight to the death with Pantera (Nacho Sureda). Before each episode, from 21 hours on Public TV, you will be able to see a little about making of, the realization of this third season. Authors, producers, directors and actors tell about their character composition process and their experience on set.
At 22 hours the fourth chapter begins, which an hour later will be available through the Count platform.

Original source in Spanish

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