translated from Spanish: Inequity in education continues to be accentuated

The recently “Agreement 57/2019” adopted by the National Council of Education (CNDE) which leaves Fissio Education (a) in the Elective Plan, it is just another measure that will promote inequity already existing in the school system, both in the weight of the different subjects, and in the social and structural conditions of our school population, since thousands of students of 3rd. and 4th medium will have no chance of making the elivity effective, given the structural limitations already had if students of the particular schools in Chile who actually have all the resources to make this effective curriculum, i.e. suitable enclosures, teachers, materials and cultural adherence to physical and sporting activity.
With the elimination of the Physical Education subject from the compulsory plan, we continue to marginalize the benefits of Physical Education to those who require it most because the “Agreement 57/2019” of the CNED does not guarantee the minimum conditions to implement this measure. On the other hand, the authorities on duty again exclude Physical Education from the curricular priorities of the class, as happened in the 1990s when the subject was left as an “unweighted” learning sector.
When it is known that obesity rates in the country are constantly increasing, that the rate of overweight and obesity of children in the country is almost 45% and that the forcefulness of scientific research regarding the multidimensional benefits that can be achieve in regular physical education sessions, from the organic and functional, to the convivial and relational, are crucial to achieve a population with better conditions to live, live and exercise citizenship, this political measure is crucial to achieve a population with better conditions to live, live together and exercise citizenship, this political measure is Incomprehensible.
As a physical education career, we call on government authorities to review this “AGREEMENT” and not once again rely on physical education discrimination that manifests itself in major mental health disorders, metabolic risk or inability to build culture diversity.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.

Original source in Spanish

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