translated from Spanish: Sedena seeks to avoid amparos that stop work in St. Lucia

In order to revoke the protections granted to the #NoMásDerroches collective to stop the construction of the airport at the Air Base of St. Lucia, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador decided to invoke “the national interest” and decree as Strategic all the spaces, assets and equipment of the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena).
Through a statement, #NoMásDerroches reported that the Sedena requested in court that the final suspension of construction be revoked on the grounds that the project is integrated as a Strategic Facility, and that the amparo “endangers the defense, integrity and sovereignty of the country for not allowing the deployment of troops to attend to national security.”
Also, it “puts protection and security at risk for all citizens of the Republic by preventing the implementation of the DN-III-E Plan”.
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For the collective, the request for revocation was an “announced maneuver”, after the president declared that they would go to the “state’s power to bring to safety the national interest”, and on 29 August he said that they were processing to have it it would definitely be the subject of amparos to get the new airport on time.
According to #NoMásDerroches, should the final suspension be revoked, “the right to a healthy environment, the integrity and stability of people living in the areas surrounding St. Lucia, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the life and safety of users, the lives and safety of users, the lives and safety of users, the lives and safety of users, the lives and safety of users, the lives and safety of users would be seriously damaged. of airport facilities and hundreds of billions of pesos from the treasury.”
In addition, it would “generate a worrying and highly negative precedent for the protection of fundamental rights in Mexico, opening the door for future appeals to ‘national security’ and public order in order to nullify the right under which we have the citizens,” he said.
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He therefore called on the Federation Judiciary to rule impartially and in law on the appeal brought by the Sedena, and asked him to take into account, at all times, the common good and rights of all Mexicans.
On August 21, Judge Tenth of the District in the State of Mexico granted a final suspension against all the effects and consequences of the Environmental Impact Authorization issued by the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) project of the new airport in St. Lucia.
The suspension was granted because Semarnat’s own Authorization “recognizes that the implementation of the St. Lucia project will cause damage and impact spending on the current ecosystem of the regions that will impact the airport work”.
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With this precautionary measure obtained by #NoMásDerroches, the start of construction of the St. Lucia Airport would have to wait for a final judgment in the amparo trial to stop the work, as it prohibits the execution of the Impact Authorization Environmental until the judge analyzes its compliance with environmental principles and guarantees the right to a clean environment, protected by the Constitution.
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Original source in Spanish

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