translated from Spanish: Slim gets on the Maya Train, confirms he will participate in tender

Entrepreneur Carlos Slim confirmed he will participate in the tenders issued by the federal government for the construction of the Maya Train.
After leaving a meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador – which was also attended by other entrepreneurs – Slim noted that they addressed the issue of momentum to the southeast and confirmed his participation in the tenders, although he said, he still does not know which ones, because ” they still don’t come out.”
For his part, the director of the National Tourism Development Fund (Fonatur) explained that during the meeting, the president talked about the construction program of the work with the entrepreneurs concerned.
You may be interested: Tren Maya: the social benefit compensates for the environmental impact, justifies FONATUR
On October 16, Slim announced that he will invest 100 billion pesos in infrastructure works during López Obrador’s six-year term, and mentioned that the project that interests him most is the Maya Train, specifically in the Coatzacoalcos stretch, Veracruz.
Slim explained that investment in government projects will depend on the number of works that you earn through the mechanisms established for the allocation, such as auctions or tenders.
Last February, Fonatur unveiled the financial model that will follow the Maya Tren, in which 90% will be run by private companies and the rest of the federal government.
The companies selected for the work will be responsible for the detailed engineering, the construction of the railways, the manufacture of the trains and their commissioning.
Read more: Villagers accuse that the Maya Train will only benefit big investors and lead to division
They will also be responsible for the maintenance of the trains for a period of 30 years, counting from the start of operations.
With information from Notimex.
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Original source in Spanish


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