translated from Spanish: Cañeros and Eagles with Division of Triumphs

The Mochis, Sinaloa. Leandro Castro gave Cañeros a 3-2 win over Mexicali in the second game of the series with a home run, to split triumphs in Saturday’s double-day after falling in the first by 6-0 bleaching in actions of the Mexican Pacific League. 
The Eagles were the first to score, when in the second Fabricio Macías he hit single on Silvestre to tow Bryan Hernandez and O’Koyea Dickson for 2 by 0. Two more stripes added the border in the third, when Alejandro de Aza hit single and Xavier Scruggs double and were towed by Justin Williams. Alejandro de Aza hit home run into the fourth on Juan López to place the slate 5-0. The half-dozen races fell in the sixth, when Alejandro de Aza with simple command to the register to Fabricio Macías and thus finish with triumph for Mexicali 6 by 0.  Greg Mahle (3-0) took the win by bleaching and the loss went to Hector Silvestre (0-1).
In the second match of the billboard, Cañeros came out with another face and went up in the first inning, with flies of Ramón Urías to the right over Javier Solano. For the second Los Mochis he gave his second shot, when Rodolfo Amador was running for third and Saúl Soto for the second and in a wild pitch Solano took off from the third Amador to place the slate 2 by 0. Daniel Duarte went in looking to close the match for the Greens, but failed to fill the Mexicali bases without out. Gutierrez came on the relay and gave Aguilera a base to enter Williams with the first of the visit and Jonas Garibay gave another base to Daniel Castro and Luis Santos scored the draw in the game. Leandro Castro became the figure of the Greens when in the seventh he restarted his tenth home run over Maikel Cleto to give the win to his team 3 by 2 and match the series to 1 win by side. Misael López started with Cañeros, but Fabián Cota (1-1) took the win and Maikel Cleto (0-2) charged with the loss. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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