translated from Spanish: Interdisciplinary montage “Willy Oddó, exile in the voice” at Centro Gam

Interdisciplinary montage “Willy Oddó, exile in the voice”
In GAM Center, Room N2, Alameda 227. Metro Catholic University.
Until December 15th Saturday and Sunday 18:30 hours.
Price: $2,500 overall.
This performance by Ismael Oddó is a visual arts installation, a play and a concert, all at once. It was conceived as a journey through his life marked by the exile of his parents, the arrival in Chile, his dual nationality and the need to share a reflection on memory and human rights.
Ismael, along with a multidisciplinary team, narrates and sings his personal experience that is totally entangled in the history of Chile: his father Guillermo “Willy” Oddó (1943-1991), a fundamental musician of the group Quilapayún, lived the exile. From this perspective, the work addresses issues such as the forced uprooting of the homeland and the family, the death of the loved ones, the absence, hopes, the conviction of a country that could have been another, the truncated story of a dream of justice.
Personal history becomes a collective and universal story, which its protagonist invites to look from the perspective of this experience-country and its traces, to carefully rediscover the present.
“This project brings together several artistic disciplines that are united by memory. The memory around my father, that of my family and the experience of exile. I’m recounting this story in a sung way, like an actor who performs his own play, telling his own story,” says its creator Ismael Oddó.
With a scene inhabited by three trees, where photographs, letters and drawings hang, suitcases coexist with dioramas that show scenes that the singer managed to materialize from his memory, such as the forced exit of the airport, the apartment where he lived boy in France and the return to a Chile that he imagined in another way.
“It’s very likely that I wouldn’t be talking by heart if my father hadn’t been murdered 30 years ago. I never knew the profound reason that he had been killed on the return of his exile. He sang tangos, Argentine sambas, was the life of the party, very affectionate and charismatic. Remembering means ‘going through the heart again’, and this exercise is precisely vital to making this tribute to life,” concludes Oddó.interdisciplinary
Original idea and driving: Ismael Oddó Mendez Address: Martin Erazo ? Visual Curatoria: Maximum Corvalán Space Design: Eduardo Jiménez Lighting: Julio Escobar – Jaime Salamanca Sound: Jorge Fortune, Simon Ibarra Visuals: Martin Erazo, Camilo Escobar Management & Production: Maca Simonetti Funding: FONDART Convoca 2018 Collaborate: Museum of Memory and Human Rights, GAM, Recoleta Cultural Corporation, Casa Museo Michoacán de Los Guindos and Lo Prado Cultural Foundation.

Original source in Spanish

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