translated from Spanish: Prosecutor’s office said intelligence report handed over to him by the government can’t be incorporated into any criminal investigation

Through a public statement, the Prosecutor’s Office said that the report that the national prosecutor, Jorge Abbott, received this day, from the director of the National Intelligence Agency (ANI), Gustavo Jordán, is under secrecy of the Intelligence Act.
This, the Public Prosecutor’s Office explained, means that “beyond whether this report has any probative value, the secrecy that governs it makes it impossible to incorporate it into any criminal investigation, whether current or future of the Public Prosecutor’s Office”.
In its statement, the Public Prosecutor’s Office further emphasized that the Executive had announced that a report prepared by intelligence agencies would be delivered “in order to provide background or evidence to investigations related to crimes committed in the context of the social manifestations of recent weeks.”
Being under the secrecy of the law, the Prosecutor’s Office said that the report given to it by the ANI, “makes it impossible, in any respect, for its contents to be incorporated into any criminal justice process” and that “as long as the lifting of secrecy is not authorized by the the competent authorities, this information cannot even constitute a contribution of context, since it is not possible by law to comment on it, to pass it on, to disseminate it or to make decisions in from it”.
In her statement, the Prosecutor’s Office further said that it made the receipt of the report public, considering that its delivery had been announced by the government.

Original source in Spanish


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