translated from Spanish: AMLO enlists pardons and will seek house arrest of Mario Villanueva

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that a series of presidential pardons were enlisted that would be executed before the end of 2019, and that Quintana Roo’s former governor Mario Villanueva is also sought to leave the prison and be in a home prison.
During his morning lecture he said: “We want those who are unfairly in jail to be able to leave, before the end of the year if possible, but that’s what we’re in. We want it to come out, (Mario Villanueva) among others, older people, sick, indigenous people”.
Read: Federal government did heed petition to pardon Mario Villanueva, but was appealed by the FGR: AMLO
“To remain at home, even if you are a prisoner, for health reasons. In that we are, progress had already been made in a protection of the prosecutor’s office and we have to be respectful of the legal procedures and that took,” the president said.
“That’s where we’re at, but there was an protection from the Public Prosecutor’s Office and we have to be respectful of legal proceedings and that led to the process being delayed.”
The president commented last September that his government had heeded the request of Villanueva’s relatives to secure his release on health grounds.
Villanueva was arrested in 2001 in Quintana Roo, and handed over on may 8, 2010 to the United States, where he pleaded guilty to the crime of money laundering. A U.S. court imposed a 132-month prison sentence.
On March 18, 2017, the former priist governor was repatriated to serve a 22-year sentence imposed by a federal judge for health crimes.
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Original source in Spanish


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