translated from Spanish: Government announces claim by intentionality and claims fire in Valparaiso is not yet absolutely controlled”

The Government confirmed that forest fires in Valparaiso commune have so far affected some 150 homes.
After heading an emergency committee at Onemi, Interior Minister Gonzalo Blumel noted that the accident in the Rocuant and San Roque hills has affected “at least 150 homes.” In addition, the Secretary of State stressed that information will continue to be gathered during the day and the respective cadastre updated, so this figure could continue to increase.
Blumel also held the thesis on an alleged intentionality at the origin of the fire that began in Valparaiso, which began after the 6pm yesterday.
In the face of this, Blumel announced that the Government will file a complaint about the crime of arson against those who are responsible.
“The prosecution, in conjunction with the Investigation Police, is already carrying out all the steps in order to determine any responsibilities and, if so, demand maximum sanctions,” he said.
In addition, the minister called on the public, noting that “the most important thing, because there are indications that the fires could be intentional, is to be alert and report any conduct that may be suspicious.”
It is worth mentioning that yesterday the mayor of Valparaiso, Jorge Martínez, pointed out that “everything indicates” that there is intentionality at the origin of the fire.
“Most likely, everything indicates, there are videos, there are neighbors pointing out the initial two spotlights behind the road La Pólvora, neighbors who tell me to have seen four individuals generate the two simultaneous points,” the regional authority said.
The thesis was also added by the mayor of Valparaiso, Jorge Sharp, who did not rule out the intentionality after the accident. “I think you can say with some certainty and certainty is that this fire because of the characteristics it presents is a fire that is within the assumptions of intentionality,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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