translated from Spanish: Mothers of children with cancer protest over medical deabas

Mothers and relatives of children with cancer blocked different streets in Veracruz, to demand the supply of medicines.
In Xalapa, relatives demonstrated in front of the facilities of the State Cancerology Center (Cecan) Dr. Miguel Dorantes Mesa and called for the Secretary of Health of Veracruz, Roberto Ramos Alor, to complete the chemotherapy.
Read more: Parents of children with cancer demand certainty about drugs with disappearance from People’s Insurance
“For more than three months there have been no complete chemotherapy for our children, there is no Citarabin, Vincristine, Methotrexate, etoposides, no saline solutions, no catheters, no needles,” said Karla Arias, mother of one of the girls affected by the deabasto. 

One of the most inhumane things is to leave #cancer patients without chemotherapy, no medications, breathlessness, and their hopeless parents and family. #Cecan #Veracruz #Xalapa
— Aser Oropeza Lara (@ASerOro) January 7, 2020

Meanwhile, at Avenida 20 de Noviembre, in the port of Veracruz, other mothers of the family protested the deabas, as well as solutions and equipment for transfusion.
Cora de Jesús Rodríguez, an affected mother of a family, said that since December 15, there has been a dialogue with the director and deputy director of the hospital, who would have promised them that from January 6 there would have been supply, but the problem continues.
It’s a national problem, the hospital says
The director Hospital de Veracruz, Socrates Gutiérrez Castro, said that scarcity is a national problem due to failures of medicine providers.
“We don’t have an explanation, it’s a national shortage, that is, suppliers nationwide don’t have it.”
He even accused that there are suppliers who have offered them the missing formulas but at a very high cost and with a limited amount, as in the case of Vincristine, “usually costs around 200 pesos, at this time they are offering us up to 2 thousand 500, 3 thousand pesos, but they do not offer us enough quantities, they can sell us three bottles”.
The Regional Hospital of High Specialty of Veracruz suffered in 2019 two drug thefts that, according to its director, have influenced the current deabas.
“A lot of the drugs if they’re oncology and that I can’t give you any more data, it’s already in the Da.A., you’re already taking the investigations, you’d have to go there… I don’t have an exact figure but it’s millions of pesos,” the director told XEU News.
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Original source in Spanish


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