translated from Spanish: Raúl Morón oversees works in the Northeast of the city

Morelia, Michoacán.- Transform the territory of the municipality and detonate its development in the most lagging areas one of the most important tasks during the municipal administration of the municipal president, Raúl Morón Orozco, who on a working tour oversaw the advances of the Village Welfare Center and the construction of Avenida de las Misiones, a road artery that connects the latter population area with Mission del Valle.
In the first point of review, the mayor, Raúl Morón was accompanied by the secretaries of Mobility and Public Space, Antonio Godoy González Vélez and Urbanismo y Obras Públicas, Mario Rodríguez Loeza, noted the work of the Center that will have a capacity for 14 thousand people, an investment of almost 14 million pesos of resources managed before the Ministry of Agricultural, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU), a space of multiple purposes with services of social, sports and cultural question for the people because it will count with recreational areas, courts, modules, forest area, urban orchards and a planting area, walkers, bleachers, recreational appliances, cycle ports and an outdoor forum.
Subsequently, the Municipal President came to review the construction of Avenida de las Misiones, which will connect La Aldea and Mission del Valle, the left body that will be for circulation in both directions, an alternative connection for the population is built in the North area with the rest of the municipality, a Northorient axis with 1.2 kilometers of extension and will have sustainable mobility, that is to say it will have cyclepath, transport stops, a street that integrates all its users and will include the reforestation of 70 trees according to weather conditions and low water, all in the order of around 17 million pesos.
The dispatch manager of the Secretariat of Urbanism and Public Works, Mario Rodríguez, recalled that these works are part of the resources managed before SEDATU in the Aldea-Misión del Valle polygon, which carry 30 percent progress in general. With actions that generate social cohesion, return to life in community and road safety morelia is transformed.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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