translated from Spanish: Fear campaign has not made a dent: Mori-Faithful survey anticipates a 78% “participating revolution” in the April plebiscite

Despite the “fear campaign” installed by a certain sector of the right, citizens have a high interest in participating in the constituent plebiscite on April 26. This was confirmed by a national Mori survey made for the Faithful Foundation.
78% say they will vote in the plebiscite (69% of the voting-age population show a high probability of voting), anticipating that the voter turnout will be considerably higher than that of the presidential election, even with a voluntary vote.
“Both indicators show that the plebiscite will be a participatory revolution where voter turnout will be more than 60% and up to 70% and more, if this does not change in the 90 days left for it,” notes the survey applied between January 6 and 15.
As other studies have done, the survey also anticipates a result broadly in favour of a new Constitution. 68% of the voting-age population says they are on the “Yes” to a New Constitution. But the result rises even more when you consult exclusively those who say that they will actually pay: in this segment, 81% are on the basis.
The “Apruebo” voter is made up of older and educated people, as well as lower incomes. In political terms, The Yes focuses on those in the political center (74%) and the left (87%). On the right, only 39% approve.
In addition, 84% of those taking part in the demonstrations approve the new Constitution, while among those who do not participate, it is only 34%.
However, there is hope in what the new Constitution can hold, given that 56% say it will “help solve Chile’s social needs” and 30% feel the opposite.
Opinions divided into the mechanism
However, as for the mechanism, opinions are divided, and in fact there is a group around 20% that does not define their choice.
Taking into account only those who will actually vote, the Constitutional Convention (Constituent Assembly) reaches 47% and the Mixed Convention (which includes parliamentarians) 34%, while 19% do not know/do not respond.
Among those who vote “Yes”, the Constitutional Convention formula is imposed by 52%, while the Mixed Convention has 35% support.  In the group of those who vote “No”, the favorite option is the Mixta with 31% while the Constitutional Convention has 29%, but the undecided rises to 40%.
Then another piece of evidence lights up the constituent body members by establishing that the trust to draft the New Constitution is placed on all those who today have no political power. In the face of consultation on who he trusts most to draft the new Constitution, he leads the “experts” option, with 56%, while political parties close the list with 7%. In this vein, the opinion in favour of a peer constituent is overwhelming: 79% say that this body must be made up of half of men and half of women.
The survey also addresses another issue that is in the debate, such as compulsory voting, with 61% in favour of replenishing it.
What voters are like
As for the profile of voters, the study reveals that voter turnout and education increases voter turnout. As for the age segment, young people are the least interested in voting, with 64% in the 18-25 age group, a figure that rises to 89% in the segment of over-61s.
Likewise, the ones who vote the most are middle class and there is no difference in voter turnout by sex, men and women participate equally, with 78% and 77%, respectively.
Another piece of evidence is that as income decreases and it becomes more difficult to make ends meet, voter turnout increases and those who do not rank on the right left scale are the ones who vote the least.
The study funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation also shows the depth of the breakdown of Chilean society far beyond government and the state affects our view of history and all areas of society.
Loss of authority
The study reveals that 68% support democracy and 15% are satisfied with it. But there is an atmosphere of dissatisfaction, and a demand for more and better democracy, with a broad segment of “dissatisfied democrats.”  Meanwhile, 16% are inclined towards the option that “in some circumstances an authoritarian government may be preferable to a democratic one.”
The feeling of abuse is also installed in the country, since in the consultation “you would say that you are very satisfied, rather satisfied, not very satisfied or at all satisfied with the functioning of democracy in Chile”, 90% believe that there is no equality before the law. In addition, 83% say that it is governed by powerful groups.
So, there is some worrying facts. “The loss of state authority is so profound that there are high levels of approval for illegal protests: cutting traffic 48%, barricades 33%, attacking 16% of them. These are the ones that get the most approval. At the same time, approval of the authority’s actions is low. Only 29% approve the use of the water-throwing trolley, which gets the most approval. This confirms a state of deep anomia. There is no recognition of authority. If the State fails to regain recognition from the authority, it will hardly be able to regain the rule of law,” the study concludes.

Original source in Spanish

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