translated from Spanish: Minister resigns in Bolivia criticizing that Añez makes the same mistakes of Evo in seeking the presidency

Bolivia’s Minister of Communication Roxana Lizárraga has submitted her “irrevocable” resignation on Sunday after it was known that the country’s interim president, Jeanine Añez, will be running for the next elections on May 3, which means, she must “leave aside the mandate of the Bolivian people”, putting “the Government at the service of a group of politicians and an extension-and-end project”. Lizárraga has assured that the decision of Añez, who denied on several occasions that it would stand for elections, “has set aside the mandate of the Bolivian people who fought in the streets” and has warned that the current government “has begun to commit the same evils” and n which the Movement to Socialism (MAS) allegedly fell. Through a statement, Lizárraga has insisted that this government was born with the aim of appointing a new Supreme Electoral Court (TSE), as well as new elections, with “transparency” and without falling into “political favoritism”, as he has said, “the dictatorship of Evo Morales,” as the Bolivian newspaper ‘La Razón’ has told me.” The struggle for the regeneration of democracy cannot involute,” he stressed, at the same time calling on Añez to “reflect,” as he is sure “that this is not the way” that citizens took to them when they took power after Evo Morales’ departure to be accused committing fraud in the last election on 20 October.” NOT IN MY PLANS”The self-proclaimed Acting Bolivian President, Jeanine Añez, confirmed on Friday her candidacy for the presidency of the country in the elections to be held on May 3. “Dear Bolivian family, I have made the decision to stand as a candidate for national elections. We have managed to build a great alliance because we want to continue the work we have been doing,” he said. The running mate of Añez will be the mayor of Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, Luis Revilla, who is running for the vice presidency. The two attend the elections under the ‘Together’ alliance, which is made up of the political groups, Revilla, Social Democratic Movement, All and Unite.” It was not in my plans, in recent weeks we have tried to build minimal consensus with the main forces and political actors, appealing to their greatness,” he explained. Añez has on several occasions denied his intention to stand for election. “In fact no, no,” he said in an interview published by the Bolivian newspaper Page Seven. “For now I am aiming for what we set ourselves on what the population wanted: to emerge from a long-term oppression, to pacify and unite all Bolivians,” he argued on that occasion. POLICY CRISIS IN BOLIVIAEvo Morales resigned on November 10 amid a wave of protests after the Organization of American States (OAS) pointed out “irregularities” in the presidential election slate of October 20 in which it obtained its Reelection. It was then that Añez proclaimed himself acting president in the face of the power vacuum left by the former president and the senior officials that were to succeed him. More than 30 people have been killed and hundreds injured by clashes between Morales supporters with security forces and other sectors. In recent weeks the situation has calmed down, although there are still protests.

Original source in Spanish


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