translated from Spanish: Marysol Sosa suffers tremendous and worrying live fall (VIDEO)

On the morning of today, February 26, Marysol Sosa was the special guest of Imagen TV’s “Sale the Sun” program, where, during an interview, she made some revelations, including her baby’s name. José José José’s daughter, despite the pleasant revelations, such as the name of her next son, who will be a little man and in honor of her father will be named After José Patricio, worried those present in the morning program, since almost at the end of the program she suffered a heavy fall To.

The fall was totally live and was captured by the program’s cameras, where everyone who was present quickly stopped doing what they were doing to help Marysol, as it is worth mentioning that she is five months pregnant.

Just noticing that everyone panicked and experienced moments of panic over her fall, Sosa remarked that she was fine and not to worry. Luckily she and her baby are doing very well and did not suffer any problems.
Let us remember that less than a week ago the sister of José Joel sent a strong message to Manuel José, the young Colombian and supposed son of the singer, who was sued by the firstborn of José José for identity theft for posing as the son of “El Prince of Song.” Marysol Sosa’s powerful message to Manuel José

I want to ask you in the most attentive way that you stop generalizing all kinds of comments that you have come to make, especially with the press, since you came to Mexico, I think from heart, that you are the least suitable person to come to question about the past and the family that tie ne José José here… I believe that all Bryans have the right to sing all the Songs of the Prince, and that good that you have the talent that you have, keep doing your job, but stop sowing this doubt in Latin America about it, do things right,” he said.

Original source in Spanish

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