translated from Spanish: Heavy spot rains are forecast in Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora

Mexico.- For today, the cold front No. 44 and a cold core vortex will spread over northwestern Mexico, interact with the abundant ingress of moisture from the Pacific Ocean generated by the atmospheric river, will cause heavy spot rains accompanied by electric shocks in Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora, as well as intervals of showers in Chihuahua, in addition there will be strong wind gusts in the Northwest and North. On the other hand, a high pressure system at medium levels of the atmosphere, will maintain a warm atmosphere over the center, east and southeast of the Republic, including the Yucatan Peninsula, as well as hot in areas of the west and south of the country.
Precipitation Forecast for Today 11 March 2020:
Intervals of showers with heavy occasional rains (25 to 50 liters per square meter): Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora.
Intervals of showers (5.1 to 25 liters per square meter): Chihuahua and Chiapas.
Isolated rains (0.1 to 5.0 liters per square meter): Sinaloa, Nuevo León, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Michoacán, State of Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Tabasco and Quintana Roo.
Freezing rain or sleet: Sierra de San Pedro Mártir, B.C., during the morning.
Rains can be accompanied by electric shocks
Minimum temperature forecast for today 11 March 2020:
Minimum temperatures of -5 to 0oC: Sierras de Baja California, Chihuahua and Durango.
Maximum temperature forecast for today 11 March 2020:
Maximum temperatures from 40oC to 45oC: Michoacán and Guerrero.
Maximum temperatures from 35oC to 40oC: Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Morelos, Puebla (southwest), Oaxaca (Isthmus region), Chiapas (coast) and Campeche.
Wind and wave forecast today, March 11, 2020:
Wind with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h: Sinaloa, Durango, Istmo and Gulf of Tehuantepec.
Wind with gusts of 40 to 50 km/h: Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nayarit, Michoacán, Jalisco, Campeche and Yucatan.
South-component wind with gusts of 40 to 50 km/h: Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.
Swell of 1 to 2 meters of significant height: Gulf of Tehuantepec.
Forecast by region:
Valley of Mexico: Sky partially cloudy during the day, in the afternoon cloud in the afternoon will increase cloud in the afternoon and isolated rains accompanied by electric shocks in the State of Mexico are forecast. Northeast wind from 10 to 25 km/h with gusts of 40 km/h. In Mexico City, a maximum temperature of 27 to 29oC and a minimum of 10 to 12oC are forecast. For the State of Mexico, the maximum temperature of 25 to 27oC and a minimum of 4 to 6oC.
Baja California Peninsula: Cloudy sky with heavy spot rains in the region, cool atmosphere is forecast in Baja California and temperate in Baja California Sur. It will be recorded during this morning fall of freezing rain or sleet in the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir, B.C. Wind northwest from 15 to 30 km/h with streaks of 40 to 50 km/h in Baja California Sur (including the south of the Sea of Cortez).
North Pacific: Cloudy sky in the region, heavy point rains and cool atmosphere are forecast in Sonora, as well as isolated rains and warm atmosphere in Sinaloa. Wind northwest from 20 to 30 km/h with streaks of 50 to 60 km/h in Sinaloa and 40 to 50 km/h in Sonora.
Pacific Center: Partially cloudy sky during the day, cloud in the afternoon will increase cloudiness and isolated rains are forecast in Michoacán. Warm atmosphere and wind from the west and northwest of 10 to 25 km/h with streaks of 40 to 50 km/h in Nayarit, Michoacán and Jalisco.
South Pacific: Half cloudy sky in the afternoon with intervals of showers in Chiapas, as well as isolated rains in Oaxaca. Fog banks in mountainous areas. Warm atmosphere on the coasts of the region. Wind from the north with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h in Oaxaca and Chiapas (Isthmus of Tehuantepec), plus high swell of 1 to 2 meters high in the Gulf of Tehuantepec.
Gulf of Mexico: Partially cloudy sky during the day, cloud in the afternoon will increase cloudiness and isolated rains will be recorded in the region. Warm to warm atmosphere during the day. Morning fog banks in mountainous areas. Wind from the south and southeast of 10 to 25 km/h with streaks of 40 to 50 km/h on the coasts of Tamaulipas.
Yucatan Peninsula: Medium cloudy sky and warm atmosphere in the afternoon. Isolated rains in Quintana Roo. Wind of the east of 10 to 25 km/h with streaks of 40 to 50 km/h on the coasts of Campeche and Yucatan.
Mesa del Norte: Cloudy sky during the day with intervals of showers and electric shocks in Chihuahua, as well as isolated rains in Nuevo León and Coahuila. Warm atmosphere during the day. Variable direction wind from 15 to 30 km/h in the region with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h in Durango and 40 to 50 km/h in Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo León (south wind).
Central Table: Partially cloudy sky during the day, in the afternoon cloud in the afternoon will increase cloudiness and isolated rains are forecast in Puebla. Warm atmosphere in the afternoon and easterly wind from 10 to 25 km/h.
The maximum rainfall of the last 24 hours (in millimeters) was recorded in:
Constitution of 1857, BC., 46.6; San Luis Río Colorado, Son., 15.9 and Toluca Observatory, Mexico, 9.2.
The maximum temperatures (in C) were recorded in:
Tapachula, Chis., 38.7; Colima, Col., 37.5; Acapulco, Gro., 36.0, Valladolid, Yuc., 34.4; Constitution, BCS., 34.0; Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Q. Roo, 33.9; Campeche, Camp., 33.8; Salina Cruz, Oax., 33.6; Zamora, Mich., 33.3 and Tacubaya, Mexico Cd, 28.4.
The minimum temperatures (in C) were recorded in:
Toluca, Mexico, 6.5; Temosachi, Chih., 8.2; Pachuca, Hgo., 8.9; Airport, CDMX., 10.0 and Puebla, Pue., 11.6.

Original source in Spanish


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