translated from Spanish: Pampita was distressed and frightened by the coronavirus

Yesterday Thursday, in Pampita Online they transmitted the desperate request of a Spanish doctor in the face of the situation that we are going through worldwide. In order to prevent further spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the population is asked to stay in their homes. In Spain they did not do it in time and today they are regretting it. In the video they showed, this very distressed doctor is heard telling a very discouraging picture. After the reproduction of it, Pampita wept in front of the camera, moved by the words of the professional.” I’ve seen it a lot of times in the video, and we’re on time as Argentinians. We’re still on time, we’re on time. From above they say ‘don’t leave your house’, don’t go out seriously, we have to take care of each other,” he said.

“I’m surprised to talk to people who are still going out to do the shopping, who’s going to see furniture, who hang out with friends… This is Spain: they didn’t react in time, we if we can react in time,” he added. He said, “I wanted you to put this video from start to finish. I don’t think these things are shown on TV. I have been informed for several days of what happened in Europe and I believe that there is still no conscience here. People didn’t pay attention. They saw him far away, as impossible. They saw it as a movie. This can happen to us too. It’s not happening to us today, but if we don’t react, if we don’t do things right, our health system doesn’t have the tools to react.” If we all get infected at once, they will have to choose who to save and they will save the younger ones; and a 55-year-old is not an old person,” he said.

“It seems to me that Argentina still does not wake up, at least that is my feeling. We listen, we watch the news, but we’re still not understanding what’s coming. We’re not looking at what happened elsewhere, we’re not becoming aware. We are so fragile, much more than you can imagine… We’re on time, that’s the only message,” he said. Regarding the broadcast of his program, he said: “Today is the last day I record the program. I had a hard time coming to work all week, really. I think it was very complicated to be on TV. Here they took care of me a lot, my producer, the channel, they gave me all the facilities to make me feel contained and that nothing was going to happen to me, nor to infect any loved one.” I don’t feel like I can take any more chances. I do not know if the program will continue, if they are going to put another driver or if they are going to put something else in this schedule, but we start on Monday with a situation – because this program is recorded – and with the hours everything was changing. Maybe you could stretch the elastic a little more or maybe say ‘one more week’, but I’d rather get here,” Pampita added.

And she made a big request for those who were watching her: “If you can stay at home, if your company tells you it’s closed, if the government says ‘that’s how far we’re coming’, it’s not hard for you to respect it. It’s really going to be such a significant change that you stay at home, that everyone stays at home, it’s going to be so different the number of infected and so different the number of people who come to the hospitals, that everything is going to work out better. It’s a small grain of sand,” he exclaimed hours before preventive and mandatory social isolation declined in the country.
“Today I bid farewell to those on the other side, I didn’t get a chance to give a hug to a bunch of loved ones before I stay home, because the truth is that I’ve already decided I’m not going to see anyone else. I see a lot of friends today for a few days. And I’m really scared because I know it’s going to be up to someone I want directly or indirectly, or some contage by someone I want is going to exist in the next few days. And I’m preparing myself at amically to accompany them, maybe from a distance, over the phone. And if I need them, I know I have a lot of people who love me,” he said. But we’re not going to be able to get out of this. Let us become aware that some of those we want will catch soon. So let’s try to get it at once,” the show’s host ended. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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