translated from Spanish: Urge young people to donate blood to help coronavirus patients

United States.- Healthy young Americans are encouraged to help their country and donate blood, as the Red Cross warns of a critical shortage caused by the coronavirus pandemic.” Social estrangement doesn’t have to mean a social disconnection,” surgeon General Jerome Adams, America’s top doctor, said Thursday during a press conference at the White House.
We know that many of you are at home practicing the president’s guidelines for social estrangement, but one thing we should all consider, especially our millennials and Generation Z, is to donate blood.

More than 4,000 blood impulses have been canceled nationwide amid the coronavirus health crisis, leading to more than 100,000 lost donations, American Red Cross spokesman Jonathan McNamara told NBC 12 on Wednesday.


Among others, severe shortages will affect cancer patients, trauma victims and people who have routine surgeries. Adams, a member of the Trump administration’s coronavirus working group, said every precaution was taken as recommended by the CDC, including separate beds six feet away, disinfecting surfaces between patients, separating appointments and control temperature staff.
As an anesthesiologist who still practices in Walter Reed [Centro Médico del Ejército] caring for our wounded warriors and our soldiers, I know that donated blood is an essential part of patient care and a donation can save up to three lives, he said.


Give blood today. You’ll feel good about it and be helping your country and community through this crisis. And you could even save a life.

McNamara said there is no evidence of coronavirus or other breathing problems transferred through a blood donation. People who have traveled to COVID-19 hotspots, including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Iran, Italy and South Korea, or who have come into contact with anyone with a suspicious or confirmed case of COVID-19, are told to postpone their donation by 28 Days.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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