translated from Spanish: Chancellor reports that 10,000 Chileans have returned to the country and “many more” want to return amid coronavirus crisis

Foreign Minister Teodoro Ribera referred to the number of Chileans abroad and said that more than 10,000 of them have already returned to the country. This is the result of the collaboration that has existed between the portfolio it runs and the airlines Latam, Jet Smart and Sky.
“The figure is very relevant but it does not make us forget under any circumstances that there are still many people, in many parts of the world, who are looking for a way to return to the country and we are working for it,” the chancellor said through a statement.
“We have not forgotten you and will try to make the necessary efforts to get the airlines to respond, so that governments will let them circulate in their countries, in short, to get closer to Chile,” Ribera added.
The minister took advantage of the instance to thank the airlines involved and appreciated the flexibility of governments “to open their airports, open their skies and allow these ships to fly to bring back to the country so many Chileans, Chileans and foreigners residing in it.”
“We are aware that while we have managed to get more than 10,000 Chileans back to the country, there are many people in very distant places who still have difficulty finding a plane that can bring them back,” he reiterated.
Finally, Ribera noted that “today more than ever we must remain calm. We must stay where we are, if those are safe places, without are places we can simply finance and are places that ultimately also give us the ability to communicate with our loved ones.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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