translated from Spanish: Lali on the coronavirus: “We have to learn with what’s going on”

Following the spread of the coronavirus, different artists gave their opinion and sent messages to their followers. One of them was Lali Espósito, who gave an interview from his home in Fantino to the Afternoon, the cycle that replaced Moria Casán’s Incorrects.” We have to be cautious, very responsible, it is something we do not know, we are learning to live with this, and we do not know what we will face in the future, if it will be a total life change for all,” she said. Lali returned to the country after being in Spain, where he worked on the series “Sky Rojo”. That is why, when he arrived, he had to undergo quarantine immediately, as a means of prevention and care.

“It’s a nice slap for all of us, blessed are those who studied and are watching us get out of it, and valuing doctors more and more every day, we have to be respectful of what they ask us to stay in our house,” he added. Then the young woman projected in the future: “Everything’s going to change. We’re just starting to live this situation, I think it’s going to take a long time, we’re told. And it’s scary to think of a world without art, without going to the movies, without enjoying a lot of artistic expressions, focusing on the artistic, which is what I do.” TV is one more of the people in the house, I wanted to send a greeting to everyone, let’s behave well, let’s be loving, stay home, we have to learn to be better, we have to learn with this, we have to learn from what’s going on, there has to be a change of chip” Closed. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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