translated from Spanish: Not neglecting interpersonal relationships

It is common to see among parents some bewilderment as to whether it is necessary to prohibit or limit the use of screens in their children. Science has already shown that technologies can cause several alterations in child development, but today, they turn out to be a tool that they have to have at their disposal to be able to educate themselves, among other things.
The use of the Internet offers many possibilities for its users and also carries risks. In children, especially, their use is more risky, since they do not have the criteria to know how to act in many situations that arise in the digital world. Time in front of the screen, when long, detracts from the development opportunities needed for its growth.
A minor who spends hours in front of a screen develops less vocabulary and muscularity than others who run in the square or chat with the people around them.
This over-screen will surely affect the course of language and the natural ability to learn from the wonder and discovery that originates in early childhood and will detract from precious time for natural activities, such as social play.
If we subtract these activities, exposing them to screens that do not enhance learning or child development, there can be evidence of developmental delays that will then need to be reversed. If this is a short period it can possibly re-education harmful behaviors, but if you start developing habits or behavioral disorders associated with using the Internet or cell it becomes more difficult.
Children will always need to communicate; it is part of the essence of the human being, but several studies warn us that language is diminishing as screen hours increase. Creativity and social skills are detracted. In order for children and adolescents to understand their emotions, they must be able to communicate them, express themselves verbally, look into each other’s eyes, and sort them according to their realities. As we cut spaces for conversation, the possibility of expressing ourselves is detracted and this impacts our socio-emotional development.

The content poured into this opinion column is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador.uso

Original source in Spanish

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