translated from Spanish: Which municipalities in the province of Buenos Aires could move to phase 5

The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced that the release of quarantine in the interior of the province will be phased and phase 5 will have “virtually everything” enabled. The main requirement for a municipality to reach that instance is that it goes 21 days without having positive cases of coronavirus. 

“Inside, the main measure of care is the health barrier, personal care and protocols, now we are going to propose advances and setbacks,” he said at the press conference he shared with Alberto Fernández and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. Right there, the governor acknowledged that there are 61 municipalities in that situation – with no cases 21 days or more ago. 

These districts will have enabled the opening of shops of all kinds with respect to protocols that include the presence of 50% of people established for the premises, private construction, recreational outings, among others. The enabled municipalities are: 1. Adolfo Gonzales Chaves2. Alberti3. Benito Juarez4. Bolivar5. Bragado6. Carlos Casares7. Carlos Tejedor8. Castelli9. Chivilcoy10. Columbus11. Colonel of Marina L. Rosales12. Colonel Dorrego13. Colonel Pringles14. Daireaux15. Dolores16. Florentino Ameghino17. General Alvear18. General Arenales19. General Belgrano20. General Guido21. General Juan Madariaga22. General La Madrid23. General Paz24. General Pinto25. General Viamonte26. General Villegas27. Guaminí.28 Hippolyte Yrigoyen29. Junín30. Leandro N. Alem31. Lincoln32. Madeleine33. Maipú34. Chiquita Sea35. Lezama36. Mount Hermoso37. Patagones38. Pehuajó39. Pellegrini40. Scroll41. Stack42. Pinamar43. Lan44. Indian Tip45. Ramallo46. Rauch47. Rivadavia48. Rojas49. Roque Perez50. Saavedra51. Salliquelo52. Jump53. San Andrés de Giles54. San Cayetano55. Tandil56. I taped57. Tordillo58. Tornquist59. Trenque Lauquen60. Three Loma

Original source in Spanish

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