translated from Spanish: Let’s celebrate Liam Neeson’s 68th birthday with a review of his best films

With more than 40 years of career and a list of blockbuster films for all tastes, this actor was pleased to play great characters. Although he is characterized by action roles, his first leading role that took him to the top of stardom was by Steven Spielberg with the super-awarded “Schindler’s List”. From there it was all on the rise and his career has more than 80 films, whether as the persecuted Jean Valjean of “the miserable”, or if we leave the galaxy, like Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn in “Star Wars: Episode I”, or as the role of a monster, in “a monster comes to see me”. Today on the day of his birth and to celebrate we select the best Liam Neeson films. 
Schindler’s List

Under Steven Spielberg, in 1993 this black-and-white masterpiece focuses on World War II, where Liam plays Oscar Schindler, a businessman who saved the lives of thousands of Jews. 

2. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom MenaceWith another great sci-fi director like George Lucas, Neeson takes on the role of Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, mentor of Obi-Wan Kenobi 

3. Love ActuallyUna de amor, directed by Richard Curtis, in 2003. Film we see every Christmas, in his role as a widower with a young son and ends in a flirtation with the international model Claudia Schiffer.

4 . Batman BeginsFor course, we remember Liam Neeson as Ra’s Al Ghul, the mentor of a young Bruce Wayne in the first film in the Nolan-directed Batman trilogy.

5. Taken, Relentless SearchThe film that is already going for its third installment earned him the character that fits him the most comfortable, Bryan Mills 

Original source in Spanish


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