translated from Spanish: They ask authorities to take special consideration in auditing autistic people

Once again the grouping of relatives of people within Autism Spectrum Disorder seeks to minimize the impact of potential monitoring on the streets or in vehicles when an autistic child, girl, adolescent or adult (NNAA) goes inside.
It is known that people who must go out on the walk with their corresponding safe conduct, do so out of sensory need and not by entertaining, thus avoiding disruptions and behavioral deregulations, which severely affect family coexistence, and may even involve risk to their physical integrity (self-aggression).
That is why Eduardo Acuña, vice president of the Autism Corporation Viña del Mar, noted that they “strongly asked the institutions to have an breadth of judgment and understanding of the behaviors that these people might present, a careful and not invasive approach to their environment, since this could cause a deregulation in the person and, ultimately, , make the corresponding control more complex.”
That is why they reiterate the request that personnel carrying out custody, surveillance or guarding on the streets of quarantined communes be instructed.
For Acuña, it is important to learn from quarantine mistakes in the Metropolitan Region and not to be repeated in other regions.
“We know of the case that was presented in a city, where at the time of the audit the official who did the control was not very criteria and that generated a deregulation in the girl who was in the vehicle with her mother. That is why we call on the authorities to have this broad criterion in order to avoid situations of this nature and also the call we make to society at large so that it becomes aware of such situations and does not fall into prejudice,” he explained.
Faced with this, the call to citizenship is that if you see a boy, girl, adolescent or adult in a blue garment or handkerchief, show empathy and do not judge.
This condition causes a number of conditions characterized by some degree of alteration of social behavior, communication and language, as well as a restricted, stereotypical and repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. In general, they are also intolerant of loud noises, to the multitude of people, certain visual stimuli, among others. That is why, if approached with shouting, they can cause a significant decompensation.

Original source in Spanish

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