translated from Spanish: Morelia cinemas, theatres and cultural forums will be reopened on Monday

Cristian Ruiz
Morelia, Michoacán.- The mayor of Morelia, Raúl Morón Orozco, announced that from this Monday cinemas, theater and cultural forums will be able to open their doors with capacitys not exceeding 25%, as a measure to avoid contagion of coronavirus covid-19.
At a press conference, the building commented that, while Morelia is in yellow at the epidemiological traffic light, there are already conditions for these businesses to operate with proper sanitary measures such as the installation of filters on the entrances, to refurbish the rooms so that there is distance between each spectator and keep these spaces of recreation disinfected.
In the case of dens, bars and gyms, the building said that they will still be unable to open and to ensure that this is respected, 200 inspectors of the town hall will be deployed throughout the municipality, since the restaurants also have to respect that their capacity does not exceed the established that is between 25 and 50% of its capacity.
As for shopping malls, they can now operate at 50% of capacity, but in stores more than one person per family will not be allowed access, in addition to continuing with sanitary filters.
Morón Orozco also announced that in the premises belonging to the municipality of Morelia will be mandatory the use of cover caps and all workers will have to wear antibacterial gel and check the temperature at the time of entering their posts.
It also asked the population not to relax prevention measures against covid-19, as in recent days the number of contagions grew rapidly and city council staff realized that in places such as markets and tianguis people no longer use bedside.
Again, he ruled out another mandatory confinement in the capital, but they can punish businesses that you don’t take preventive measures for both their staff and their clients.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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