translated from Spanish: AMLO – Trump: in Washington, the eye-catching summit of heads of state begins

Today the presidents of Mexico and the United States, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and Donald Trump, respectively, will star in one of the summits that for the moment elected and the circumstances traveled, will be among the most striking in this historic relationship.  Having taken office on December 1, 2018, AMLO has chosen to make the White House its first destination abroad, precisely with the representative who took his country as the center of the discursive logic on which he built his candidacy and management from 2015 onwards. Although AMLO is also from rhetoric, a fervent nationalist, his foreign policy priority has been to protect Mexico from Trump’s emotional swings, dismissing the latter’s arsonating comments about his population.

The meeting of these days is planned to conclude a new north american trade agreement, but frictions on illegal immigration and energy investment in Mexico could arise when the two politicians meet on Wednesday afternoon. López Obrador will be joined by a delegation of entrepreneurs, including Mexico’s richest man, telecom mogul Carlos Slim, who wednesday night will dine with U.S. business executives and Trump at Casa Blanca.Es likely Mexico’s continued support for Trump’s immigration policies will stand high on the agenda, as well as how to mitigate coronavirus’s affectations and keep the flow of goods among neighbors, whose economies are deeply intertwined.

It is unclear whether Trump will address disputes between U.S. companies and the López Obrador administration, which is rolling back the opening of the energy industry undertaken between 2013/14 in favor of a state-led model and has called into question several major contracts. Critics AMLO, as well as the Us Democratic side, point to the fact that Trump wants to use the meeting to get support among Hispanic voters ahead of the presidential election on Tuesday, November 3. On the agenda 
The entry into force on 1 July of the new trade treaty between the United States, Mexico and Canada represents $1.2 billion annually and employs nearly 14 million people in the three countries. In this, the two-day meeting was reduced to just one, after Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to join both representatives amid new threats from the United States to impose tariffs on Canadian products. The truth is that the threat tool has been used by Washington in this regard for Canada, as well as for the cessation of illegal immigration in the case of Mexico.Since May 2019, when the tariff controversy began, until May of this year, more than 124,000 migrants have been deported from Mexico, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior. 

As reported from the Mexican Chancellery, it is estimated to call for greater economic commitments in Central America by the Development Finance Corporation, the development bank created by the Trump administration in 2019 to fund social projects that reduce the flow of migration. Similarly, diplomatic sources in dialogue with Excelsior ensured that the entourage will communicate its intention to increase cooperation to move towards the development of a coronavirus vaccine and the production of medical equipment needed to combat the pandemic.

Original source in Spanish


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