translated from Spanish: Superintendency of Pensions officiates five AFPs for letters sent to their affiliates criticizing withdrawal of funds

On Friday, the Superintendency of Pensions officiated five AFPs for the letters and content of these sent to their affiliates once the idea of legislating the withdrawal of 10% of pension funds during the pandemic was approved in the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies.
In particular, they officiated Habitat, Cuprum, Provida, PlanVital and Capital, as they criticized the project in their letters. Inhabit even called it “historical error.”
In this regard, the agency reiterated “the obligation to comply strictly with what is stated in the rules on information to its affiliates, taking into account the unique turn of its activity”.
“Failure to comply with such obligations risks the start of a sanctioning process,” they warned.
The superintendency emphasized that “the administrator’s legal obligation to strictly subject the information given to its affiliates to the stated limitations”.
On Habitar’s message, the Superintendency explained that “after analyzing the content of the communication disseminated to its affiliates in relation to the aforementioned draft constitutional reform, it was determined to initiate a sanctioning process”.
“Through previous offices, this Superintendency made it open to that AFP that any publicity, promotion, sponsorship or delivery of information that administrators make by any means to their affiliates, employers or the general public, is subject to the rules of the Compendium of Pension System Rules, which regulate the subject matter, which should not divert workers’ attention from what is relevant to their pension funds; that is: the profitability, the cost and the service they provide,” they finalized.
Deputy Soto’s complaint
Deputy Leonardo Soto (PS) had asked the Pension Superintendency on Friday to review the emails, as “today a gigantic deployment of the powerful AFP lobby is being developed to try to block or slow the progress of the bill we passed last Wednesday that allows the withdrawal of some of the funds from the AFPs so that Chileans can face the effects that the pandemic is having.”
According to the deputy, this Thursday “began a campaign through emails, a campaign of terror. They have used their contributors’ databases to submit their political views on legislative amendments. They are violating the law that protects The private data of Chileans to give them information of their own interest and that is totally outside the legal protection”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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