translated from Spanish: Bogota will run for the 2027 Pan American Games

Bogotá.- The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, will nominate the Colombian capital as the headquarters of the XX Pan American Games and the VIII Parapan american Games, which will be held in 2027, on the grounds that the city is in a capacity to organize these fairs. In a letter sent to the chairman of the Colombian Olympic Committee (COC), Baltazar Medina, the official said: “I want to apply to our city to host and hold the XX Pan American Games 2027 and the VIII Parapan American Games 2027”.
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“Bogotá is a multicultural and diverse center in Latin America, where citizens and citizens from all regions of the country and many parts of the world meet and live together,” added the mayor.

López also believes that he wants the city to have “the honor” of hosting the competitions because he is aware of the “positive impact that these events bring to the strengthening of brotherhood as a continent.” We have the capacity of road, hotel, cultural, economic and sports to receive the nearly 10,000 people who among athletes, their teams and visitors, participate in these fairs, with the hospitality and warmth that characterize the Colombian people,” he said. In addition to Bogota, they have stated their intention to host the Pan American Games of 2027 cities such as Buenos Aires, Cochabamba (Bolivia), Barranquilla (Colombia) and Quito.You may be interested:Philadelphia defeats Kansas City 3-1 in MLSMLB tournament quarters: Shane Bieber strikeout to 13 Twins and equals recordThe NBA declines to perform against the teams that knelt down during anthem

Original source in Spanish


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