translated from Spanish: Alleged killer of Miranda Cardoso did not kill himself, had injuries

Arturo “N”, arrested for being the alleged person responsible for the murder of the former Secretary of Social Development, Luis Miranda Nava, did not commit suicide, as was reported at first, as the Mexican State Prosecutor’s Office assured that his body had several injuries, including a blow to the head that caused his death.
The Mexiquen entity reported that after analyzing the body at the Almoloya Penitentiary Center in Juarez, on Monday, August 17, forensic experts from the Mexican State Attorney’s Office determined that “this person had several recent injuries, including severe head trauma, which was identified as the cause of death”.
Read more: Alleged perpetrator of the murder of Luis Miranda Cardoso is arrested; had worked for him
This, although the authorities themselves said that Arthur “N”‘s body was found “hanging with a trousers tied to a window bar.”

Toluca, State of Mexico, August 21, 2020.- After having performed various proceedings…
Published by The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico on Friday, August 21, 2020

The 56-year-old man who was investigated for his likely involvement in the murder of the notary Luis Miranda Cardoso, father of Luis Enrique Miranda Nava, former secretary of Social Development with Enrique Peña Nieto and current deputy of the PRI, committed on August 11.
“This Institution is holding an investigation to determine the cause of the injuries found to the Private Person of Liberty. This inquiry will be carried out with strict adherence to the law and will be informed in a timely manner of the progress when the legal deadlines allow,” the Public Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.
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Original source in Spanish


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