translated from Spanish: Tropical storm Marco generates rain and winds in Quintana Roo and Yucatan

Mexico.- Tropical storm “Marco” will generate rains, strong winds and high waves off the coast of Yucatan and Quintana Roo, according to the National Weather Service (SNM). In the most recent report of the MPH disseminated by the National Water Commission (Conagua), it is detailed that “Marco” is located 285 kilometers north of Cabo Catoche, Quintana Roo.
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The system continues to move off the coasts of Mexico, to the north-northwest, at 20 kilometers per hour, with sustained maximum winds of 110 and streaks of 140 kilometers per hour. Wind gusts of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour, rains and waves of 1 to 2 meters high are expected for the Yucatan and Quintanarroense coasts. The authorities asked the general population and extreme maritime navigation for precautions and to comply with the Civil Protection (PC) recommendations in each entity. Meanwhile, the governments of Quintana Roo and Yucatan ruled out serious effects for “Framework” on these entities and disabled their PC alerts.” Tropical Storm Marco moves away from our shores, made us prepare and prevent its possible entry into the state, fortunately changed course and did not make an impact with our land,” Governor Carlos Joaquín tweeted.

Governor Carlos Joaquin tweeted that “Marco” is moving away from national shores. Photo: Twitter/ @CarlosJoaquin

“Tropical Storm #Marco continues to move away from the state and because of its location and trajectory no longer poses risk to #Yucatán. It is important that even if there is no longer any alert, we remain informed,” Governor Mauricio Vila called.

Governor Mauricio Vila urges the population to remain informed about the phenomenon. Photo: Twitter/ @MauVila

Over the course of the day, “Marco” is expected to intensify into Category 1 hurricane, with impacts for the southeastern United States.

You may also be interested:Tropical Storm Marco approaches Mexico and puts on alert the Yucatan PeninsulaQuintana Roo: They order to evacuate Punta Allen before the arrival of tropical depression “Fourteen”Semar collects 13 thousand 829 tons of sargasso in Quintana Roo

Original source in Spanish


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