translated from Spanish: Man accused of sexual abuse against girl after video viralization in Tik Tok was released after bailing $4 million

On the go and after paying a bond of four million pesos, Juan Collio, the 61-year-old man, charged with sexual abuse against a 14-year-old girl, was denounced through the Tik Tok virtual platform.The amount was set by the Seventh Security Court of Santiago, the same court that last Thursday had decreed pre-trial detention against the subject. The Public Prosecutor’s Office stated that they appealed to the measure, and according to the prosecutor Marcelo Borbarán, “we consider that the freedom of the accused constitutes a danger to the security of society and should therefore be deprived of freedom, without the possibility of it being replaced by a bond for the duration of the investigation,” he said, according to the co-assign. He added that “the court considered that there was only one danger of flight, and for that reason the Public Prosecutor’s Office filed an appeal that has already been brought to the court, meaning that in the coming days the Court of Appeal will decide whether or not the defendant’s freedom is a danger to society, and whether the pre-trial detention should be replaced by the payment of a bond or denied that possibility” Added. According to the background, it was the description of the record of a TikTok video, which was recorded by the victim’s 7-year-old sister, that showed how the man would appear alongside the girl performing sexual abuse behavior. After the broadcast of the registry, the Prosecutor’s Office and the IDI initiated the inquiry against the subject, who is a partner of the child’s grandmother.

Original source in Spanish


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