translated from Spanish: Coronavirus: there were more than 11,000 cases and it is a new daily record

The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported on Friday 11,717 new cases of coronavirus throughout the country, a figure that represents an all-time record since the pandemic arrived in Argentina and which raises the total cases to 392,009. The province of Buenos Aires recorded 7,486 new cases, while the City of Buenos Aires had 1,430. In the AMBA, the occupancy of UTI beds rose by one point to 67.5%. 

With great social and political unity, the vast majority of society is aware of the risks posed by Covid-19. Today personal responsibility, which has a collective impact, is more necessary than ever. Let’s keep looking after ourselves and working together to save lives. — Alberto Fernández (@alferdez)
August 28, 2020

In the interior of the country, Catamarca had 1 case, Chaco 79, Chubut 66, Córdoba 375, Corrientes 35, Entre Ríos 155, Formosa 2, Jujuy 347, La Rioja 60, Mendoza 342, Misiones 1, Neuquén 99, Río Negro 150, Salta 265, San Juan 11, San Luis 10, Santa Cruz 88, Santa Fe 507, Santiago del Estero 44, Tierra del Fuego 29 and Tucumán 135.The deaths recorded by the evening report were 142, which added to the 80 of the morning report add up to 202 in the last 24 hours. The total deaths are 8,271.

83 of the 142 are men: 54 in the province of Buenos Aires; 14 in the City of Buenos Aires; 2 in the province of Córdoba; 1 in the province of Entre Ríos; 2 in the province of Jujuy; 2 in the province of Mendoza; 2 in the province of Río Negro; 1 of the province of Salta; 1 in the province of Tierra del Fuego and 4 in the province of Tucumán. 

57 are women: 39 in the province of Buenos Aires; 7 in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); 3 in the province of Entre Ríos; 3 in the province of Jujuy; 1 in the province of Mendoza; 1 in the province of Río Negro; 2 in the province of Santa Fe; 1 in Tucumán province.

Original source in Spanish

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