translated from Spanish: Former Green Party arrest for CDMX sexual abuse is arrested

Mexico City.-Eduardo Greco “N” who will serve as local deputy of the Green Ecologist Party was arrested by elements of the Investigative Police of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) for his alleged responsibility for the crime of aggravated sexual abuse, committed against a teenage girl. According to the FGJ preliminaries the detainee was searched under the record that last July, he was with the victim on board a vehicle, when he allegedly performed improper sexual touching of the minor.
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Thus, based on the fieldwork carried out by the intelligence cabinet of the Investigative Police, in the performance of their duties they carried out the location and detention of the accused in the colony Coapa Revolutionary People’s Alliance of the mayoral council Coyoacán.After detaining Eduardo Greco “N” he was informed of his rights, himself that he was transferred to the Varonil Oriente Preventive Reclusory , where it was made available to the Judge of Control of the Criminal Criminal Criminal Procedure System.You may also be interested:Alleged agents of the National Migration Institute are accused of illegal trafficking of peopleMexico deportes migrant from Colombia, investigated for crime of murder

Original source in Spanish


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