translated from Spanish: They will launch Construction Care Prices with around 100 products

The Government plans to launch a Construction Care Pricing plan in the coming days that will include around a hundred products. This was stated by the Secretary of Internal Trade, Paula Español, who considered that these policies serve to “break the inflationary inertia of the last two years”.
“Accompanying the launch of the Procrear Plan for personal credit for home refaction, we are closing the Construction Care Prices program, which will include about 100 products in nearly 500 release hydrants that have to do with thick and fine work,” he said.

In this way, the benefit will not only reach the people who accessed The Procrear, but also for any user who wants to do work in their home. Spanish said that “the figure of consumers are always vulnerable. In the pandemic, this situation deepened.”

In addition, the official said that Prices Care “was raised from the beginning of our management as an element that adds to the integrality of economic policy in order to break the inflationary inertia of the last two years”.
“It is the structural policy that we aim to sustain, even though Maximum Prices took the agenda,” Spanish said in dialogue with Page/12. He then emphasized that the program already has 351 mass-consumption products, which “act as a reference in their own gondola”.

The official said that “companies make very high price adjustment requests when negotiating. We have diverse demands ranging from 10 to 30 percent, well above what we can imagine.”

Finally, he noted that in meetings with entrepreneurs the Government always notes that, while it is true that costs may have increased, the “mass consumption sector is the first benefit from the enormous effort that the state is making to sustain the activity: that 5.2% of the GDP invested, is a mass of income that is mainly turned to mass consumption”. He warned that, in terms of maximum prices, average compliance at the national level is 80 per cent.
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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