translated from Spanish: Minister Perez for possible constitutional accusation against him: “I call you to act respons responsible”

The Minister of the Interior, Víctor Pérez, referred during this day to the possible constitutional accusation that would be brought against him for not applying the Law on Internal Security of the State against the leaders of the National Transport Confederation of Chile (CNTC). This, within the framework of the trucker stoppage. On the occasion, the Secretary of State lamented the action that was brought by PPD and the Broad Front parliamentarians. And while he argued that “it is a right of MPs to make constitutional accusations, I call them to act responsyly, the Government is doing it responsly.” I am struck by the hope that there is a will to boost that at the moment and, for example, when a violent group burned down four or five houses in Contulmo, on Lake Lanalhue, and families were violently taken from their homes, no one promoted actions of this nature,” he replied. As to why the government did not previously apply Article 318, Pérez, stated that “the information was evaluated and today the demonstration was mutating into aspects a little more blocking and therefore we began to apply those rules. The rest of the days I think what the protesters said is being met, that it was going to be peaceful and I think it was.” In addition, he argued that “we haven’t had any burns, we haven’t had destruction of public and private property, so it’s one thing we have to evaluate. But blockades and jeailing the supply chain, certainly obliges us to occupy all the instruments established by the law.”

Original source in Spanish


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