translated from Spanish: Chapelco: they closed the bar where they mocked quarantine

This Thursday a viral video starring a group of skiers located at the base of Cerro Chapelco generated controversy for their taunts towards quarantine and non-compliance with each and every sanitary protocol to take care of the COVID-19. 

These Chapelco videos have gone viral for these hours. Let’s see if several things are clarified: the non-use of beards, whether they are all residents or the microregion, if the protocols are met. The date of the videos is not yet clear, however it should be clarified — Nicolas Tamborindegui (@tambonic)
September 3, 2020

“They realized that in St. Martin of the Andes and in Europe there is no quarantine,” says a blue diver in front of a camera, while around him dozens of people dialogue without social distance. Faced with this situation, the government of the province of Neuquén decided to withdraw the authorization from the bar Torino -where the videos were filmed -, banned it from continuing to work and imposed a $200,000 fine on it. “It is disrespectful to the whole neuquina society. Our destination is a responsible and safe destination, and this has had a negative impact on all the work we’ve done,” said Tourism Minister Marisa Focarazzo.

These irresponsible and insolidarian conduct seriously impairs the collective effort of the entire Neuquina society to confront the pandemic, and seriously jeopardizes the revival of tourism in the province. They’re not going to be tolerated in any way. — Sebastián González (@SG73NQN)
September 3, 2020

Criticism from government officials res turned around the danger to which they subject attitudes such as those in Torino to the tourist activity of the province.

Original source in Spanish


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