translated from Spanish: AMLO asks parties to donate part of their budget to buy COVID vaccine

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called on political parties to reduce their budget to serve to buy COVID-19 vaccines.
“My respectful recommendation is that the budget for matches be reduced. That’s a law initiative that’s in Congress and hasn’t been passed. Because if it’s enough money, it’s like 5,000 or 7 billion pesos that should now be used, or a considerable part, to address the health emergency,” he said at his conference on Friday.
Read: Political and independent parties to receive 7,200 mdp for 2021 campaigns
The president noted that forming new parties is a right of all Mexicans to participate in the public life of the country, and that it is the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Court that have the power to decide on the creation of new parties.
On Thursday, the creation of two new political parties, including Mexico Libre, promoted by former President Felipe Calderón and former president Margarita Zavala, advanced at the INE.
Read: INE commission endorses Mexico Free registration as party, denies gordillo-linked organization
“Political party leaders have to tighten their belts. I believe that would be fulfilled, the order remains that there are new parties that meet the requirements and savings are made. I should get out of the same parties, say they’re going to get half for the campaigns and we’re going to deliver 50% for health, including tagging it, earmarking it for the vaccine, and they’d be very recognized by the people of Mexico,” explained López Obrador.
It hoped that the parties would respond to their call, as the implementation of the vaccine – once approved – would require resources to bring it to the population.
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Original source in Spanish


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