translated from Spanish: AMLO meets with head of refresher after Gatell’s criticism of those drinks

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador met on Monday with Coca-Cola’s global executive director, James Quincey; this, after at various times undersecretary of health Hugo López-Gatell has criticized sugary drinks, even mentioning that their consumption is linked to at least 40 thousand deaths each year in the country. 
“We talk about several topics: support for small traders, taxes, the nutrition guidance campaign, labelling and investments. It was a respectful, constructive and frank dialogue,” López Obrador said of the meeting.

I was visited by Coca-Cola’s global ceo, James Quincey. We talk about several topics: support for small traders, taxes, the nutrition orientation campaign, labelling and investments. It was a respectful, constructive and frank dialogue.
— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) September 21, 2020

“We have highlighted processed and ultra-processed industrialized products, including liquids, sugary beverages, as one of the clearest, most consistent and largest contributors to unhealthy eating,” said Undersecretary of Health Prevention and Promotion Lopez-Gatell at one of the morning conferences on July 28.
“Seven percent of mortality in Mexico is associated with the consumption of sugary drinks,” he added, citing a scientific paper. “It is 40 thousand 842 deaths that occur each year associated with the consumption of sugary drinks. That’s a very important thing to consider,” he added. 
The company, on social media, noted that “for a healthier Mexico, we will continue to reduce the calories of our beverages and promote people making informed decisions about their hydration, caloric consumption and nutritional requirements.”

And for a healthier Mexico, we will continue to reduce the calories of our beverages and encourage people to make informed decisions about their hydration, caloric consumption and nutritional requirements.
— Mexican Coca-Cola Industry (@SomosCocaCola) September 21, 2020

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Original source in Spanish


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