translated from Spanish: Former municipal policeman is deprived of life in Uruapan, Michoacán

home Security Former municipal policeman is deprived of life in Uruapan, Michoacán

Uruapan, Michoacán.- A former municipal policeman was shot dead at a “pirate” record sales venue, located in the vicinity of the bus terminal of this city of Uruapan. The killer escaped with an accomplice aboard a motorcycle, according to the information provided by the witnesses of the facts to the investigating agents, he transcended in the news work.
The event was this Monday in an establishment that is on Ricardo Flores Magón street corner with Oyamel Street. Neighbors in the area told police that a used man entered the site and without a word repeatedly fired on 35-year-old Jose Z.
Consecutively the assailant fled, got on a motorbike where another guy was waiting for him and they left. Paramedics confirmed the decess of the affected person. At the site the experts collected several percuted shell casings for analysis in their laboratory. At the moment the motive of the murder is ignored, but it is expected that with the investigations carried out the case will be clarified, police commands told this wording.
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At the conclusion of the collection of evidence and testimonies the body was taken to the local morgue for the practice of the respective studies and then delivered to their mourners. It should be mentioned that with this fact there are two violent deaths that are recorded in this population in less than 24 hours, the other was in the Infonavit Constituents.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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