translated from Spanish: Teacher in China is sentenced to death for poisoning 25 children

China.- A nursery teacher in China has been sentenced to death for poisoning dozens of children, one of them apparently mortally, in an act of revenge against a colleague. A court in central Henan Province said Wang Yun put sodium nitrite in porridge that he was preparing for his colleague’s students after a fight with him.
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Last year’s March attack sickened 25 children and reportedly began vomiting and fainting after breakfast. A child was seriously ill for months and died in January, according to press reports.

The court said Monday that Wang knew the sodium nitrite was harmful and acted “without regard to the consequences.”
His criminal methods and circumstances were extremely bad, with particularly severe circumstances, and she should be severely punished under the law,” the court’s sentencing statement said.

The court said Wang and the nursery manager should compensate the families of the children. It wasn’t the first time Wang had used sodium nitrite to poison someone, authorities said. In 2017 she put some in her husband’s cup, causing him minor injuries. Sodium nitrite is used to cure meats, but can be toxic when ingested in large quantities.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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