translated from Spanish: New attack in France: gunshot wounded an Orthodox priest in Lyon

An Orthodox priest of Greek nationality was shot with a shotgun of guns cut this Saturday in Lyon (southwestern France) and the alleged perpetrator went on the run, a police source told the AFP agency.
In the area, which is cordoned off by law enforcement, the religious was evacuated on a stretcher with wounds to the abdomen and his life is in danger, police sources indicated.
According to the first elements of the investigation, the aggressor fired two shots with a rifle with the barrel trimmed around 16.00 local hours (15.00 GMT) as the religious prepared to close his church, a Greek Orthodox temple located in the 7th arrondissement of France’s third city, in the neighborhood known as Jean Macé.
French police deployed a major deployment of officers in search of the assailant, while cordoning off the area and asking social media to avoid the affected neighborhood.  According to the television network “BFMTV”, the wounded is a priest of Greek origin of 52 years.

The events took place in a Greek Orthodox temple located in the 7th arrondissement of france’s third city, in the neighbourhood known as Jean Macé.
The attack comes two days after three people were slit in a Catholic basilica in Nice, which led the French government to strengthen security in religious temples on the eve of the Christian holiday of All Saints.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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