translated from Spanish: More than 50 demands for blockade on train tracks and the parists do not give in in Michoacán

Michoacán.- Master of Base Power and normalists will continue with the take on the train tracks, as their demands have not been met.
Meanwhile, that employers and representatives of civil society, tomorrow they will go to the Attorney General’s Office to bring a lawsuit against those who are responsible for the lack of attention to the more than 50 complaints they have filed for the damage caused by road blockades.
This Tuesday, 40 continuous days of blockades were met on the train tracks of the community of Caltzontzin, 27 in the Tres Puentes area of the city of Morelia and 17 days in the municipality of Pátzcuaro.
The Association of Industrialists of the State of Michoacán (AEIMAC) reported a total of 36 trains affected and 24 locomotives.
Due to the taking of the railways, additional costs have been generated for changes in logistics, as well as losses from stopped material and inputs that do not reach the production chain.
In the port of Lázaro Cárdenas 4 thousand 935 affected containers are maintained and a thousand 808 vehicles changed from train to truck mode, resulting in an oversized production.
AEIMAC reported that the rail movement of the track to Lazarus Cardenas is 12 trains per day, of which each train is equivalent to 300 trailers loaded, resulting in 144 thousand trailers affected.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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