translated from Spanish: Nicolas Jarry put an end to his long penalty for doping

National tennis player Nicolas Jarry ended his long 11-month penalty by testing positive for an anti-doping check conducted in November last year during the 2019 Davis Cup finals at Madrid.La International Tennis Federation (ITF) punished Jaime Fillol’s grandson for nearly a year for consuming the banned substances ligandrol and stanozol. Initially, Jarry risked a penalty of up to four years, but the defense managed to corroborate that the bottles tested in the United States were contaminated from their origin in a Brazilian laboratory. In late April, the ATP announced that tennis players who have received a doping penalty, as is the case with the Chilean, will not have the figure of the ‘Protected Ranking’ and will return to play the circuit with zero points on the world list. In this way, the 24-year-old saniaguine must row from behind to return at least to the position he was in before the punishment, the 89th. Now, Jarry is waiting for an invitation to the Qualy of the Lima Challenger. If he is not able to play in Peru, the national has in his folder to play two future tournaments in the Dominican Republic, to be played in late November and early December.

Original source in Spanish


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