translated from Spanish: Los Vividores – The Opinion of Miguel Pérez Pompa

The vivales are defined as people who act with rascality, dishonesty to take advantage of a situation and profit in their favor, one of their synonyms is that of a lifer, which we can assume as a person who does not work to live, who only extends his hand to eat, in conclusion, a person who takes advantage of his situation. While the concept may be idle, it now serves us that the Governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles mentioned in his press conferences in a rogue tone to the Servers of the Nation, questioning whether these people (Servers of the Nation) would enthusiastically go to the vaccination brigades in the entity.
Given the tone of confrontation with the Federation by the Governors who are part of the Federalist Alliance, it is not surprising the sayings made by the Governor, what may surprise is the background of them. The Servers of the Nation have become one of the pillars of the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, since these send most of their social programs to the populations, even the farthest away, making it somehow the government reach the places that were historically forgotten by the Government of the State and the Federation.
These pillars of the Fourth Transformation have reached where many administrations have not done so, beginning to heal the old wounds left by the neoliberal system have approached people, this same approach has not liked opposition governments at all, and is that being clear, this approach poses a risk to the control that is duly or improperly maintained over sectors of the population , those who have historically been known as electoral clienteles, which have always been held among different governments in order to ensure a percentage of voting in elections.
While these customers have now sought to be eliminated by the Federation by universalizing much of its programmes, the approach remains almost the same, unlike it is not done through local leadership that responds to the interest of supporters or caciquiles and this seems to be the true background of such comments. There is great desperation within the Team parties by Michoacán to raise their percentages for this year’s elections, it seems that they do not rise in any way and discussions about the candidacies within the parties that make up this alliance become increasingly evident.
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In this way, it is not surprising the intention to be looking more and more closely for confrontation with the Federation, to throw away discursively any effort that is made by the Federal Government to try to return to normal, that intention to seek that the health contingency extends as far as possible over time so that it can look within its partist structures for a way to perpetuate itself during the next government of the state and that this risk is just a nightmare
Graduated from UMSNH Law School. Political analyst in various media. Founding member of Morena in Michoacán.

The opinions expressed in the columns are the sole responsibility of those who subscribe to them and do not necessarily represent the thinking or editorial line of Monitor Expresso

Original source in Spanish

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