translated from Spanish: A new flight departed from Aerolíneas Argentinas to bring more Sputnik V vaccines

A new flight from Aerolíneas Argentinas (AA) departed this morning for Moscow, Russia, to bring another batch of Sputnik V vaccines against the coronavirus. The exact amount of doses to be carried by the aircraft is not yet known, as the figure is known when loading the holds. Moscow’s eighth flight to Argentina had arrived on Tuesday and brought 500,000 doses, while the seventh charged 300,000.After those arrivals, Health Minister Carla Vizzotti confirmed that the distribution of a new 306,000 dose 1 of Sputnik V begins to reach the provinces between Friday and Saturday, and that they will be used to strengthen the inoculation of people over the age of 70 , as part of the national government’s immunization plan to combat Covid-19.
A total of 3,328,933 vaccines have already been applied.

According to the criterion laid down by the Ministry of Health, based on the population number of each district and the minimum packing unit (which is 600 doses per conservator), the heading of Sputnik V was assigned as follows: 116,400 doses to the province of Buenos Aires; 20,400 to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; 3,000 to Catamarca; 8,400 chaco; 4,200 to Chubut; 25,200 to Cordoba; 7,800 to Currents; 9,600 to Entre Ríos; 4,200 to Formosa; 5,400 to Jujuy; 2,400 to La Pampa; 3,000 to La Rioja; 13,200 to Mendoza; 8,400 to Missions; 4,800 to Neuquén; 5,400 to Rio Negro; 9,600 a Salta; 5,400 to St. John; 3,600 to St. Louis; 3,000 to Santa Cruz; 23,400 to Santa Fe; 6,600 to Santiago del Estero; 1,200 to Tierra del Fuego and 11,400 to Tucumán.According to the Public Vaccination Monitor, the online registration showing in real time the immunization operation throughout argentina, until today (25-3), . In addition, 4,190,015 doses have already been distributed throughout the country.

Original source in Spanish


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