translated from Spanish: Marcelo Bielsa after Leeds’ victory: “The right thing would have been for him to win the City”

Leeds United manager Marcelo Bielsa outsofied his satisfaction with his home squad’s 2–1 win over leader Manchester City, for the 32nd round of the Premier League, although it was clear that “the right thing to do would have been for the triumph” to be left to Josep Guardiola’s team. , the chilean ex-election declared with laughter that “there are two words that are difficult to work in common: we deserved to win, but the right thing would have been for the City to win. It’s very difficult, but that’s what I think.”” We made a very big effort, but it’s true that City dominated the game and had the best options,” added the Argentine-origin strata. In addition, the Rosarino noted that “it was a match that if we do not have a very high degree of aggression we find it difficult to shorten the difference between the creative capacity of the City and ours”. Asked the question that if they harmed their team to play with one less?, by liam Cooper’s expulsion at the end of the first lapse, Bielsa merely said that “no, I think English arbitration is very good.” With the pointer’s court win, Leeds United placed ninth in the table with 45 units, just six points away from fighting for international cups.

Original source in Spanish


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