translated from Spanish: Marcelo Barticciotto rules out presiding over Black and White and places shareholders: “They don’t take the weight on the need to make the course amends”

Colo Colo’s idol, Marcelo Barticciotto, brazenly opted for the presidency of Black and White. Former albos players had been nominated in early March by Social and Sports Club (CSD) Colo Colo to be the new president of the concessionaire.
Her decision was communicated on ESPN Radio. “Through these words I would like to communicate my decision not to go ahead with a nomination to preside over Black and White,” he said.
“At this moment I am not having a good personal moment, which would prevent me from taking responsibility for this size, which deserves total and complete dedication,” the “Barti” continued.
The Albo idol also highlighted the “scenario of uncertainty within the concessionaire”. In that line, he said that inside Black and White “the necessary samples of support for an alternative like mine were never given” and that “egos and personal searches were never set aside, and the weight is not yet taken by shareholders, on the need to make amends, based on a project that puts the Club and its people at the center of management.”
Finally, he emphasized his commitment to the CSD colo colo government project, “the only viable alternative to leading Colo Colo’s football and directing the institution towards a better future in the short, medium and long term,” he said.
Let us remember that these last few days the movements of actions inside Black and White have not ceased to give surprises. First, the chairman of the concessionaire’s board, Hannibal Mosa, announced the sale of its shares. Then, the opposition block, composed of the runner Larraín Vial, also reported the auction of its titles, at $30 pesos less than those of the portmontino. In response, Mosa stopped the sale of her shares.
Barticciotto reacted annoyed these movements. “They buy and sell their shares as if Colo-Colo were a toy, they go to play their companies that in Colo-Colo we don’t want them!”, he wrote on Twitter on April 9.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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