translated from Spanish: Common Lows: Provoste comes to the wake of criticism by ensuring that opposition proposal “is funded” and Montes clarifies to Jadue that “the royalty” is included

The Government called the opposition’s counterproposal with respect to the “common minimums” agreement “excessive”. In officialism they considered that the offer seeks to put the Executive between the sword and the wall. However, they appealed to the “good tone” and did not dismiss it flatly.
Specifically, the opposition proposal considers a Universal Basic Emergency Income (RBUE), estimated at an additional 30% to the poverty line, an amount “sufficient for families to take care of themselves,” explained Senate President Yasna Provoste (DC).
It also provides for SMEs “direct subsidies of US$3 billion; suspensions of various collections, condonations, better lines of credit and clear protocols for the reopening of activities, among others”.
In conversation with Tele13 Radio’s Mesa Central program, presidential National Renewal (RN) candidate and PRI Mario Desbordes criticized that “the opposition proposal had no details, there’s a lot of nice statement but I didn’t see the detail behind it (…) it’s important that they sit down with the finance minister to explain where they think the money can come from.”
“You have to see how it’s funded,” says the opposition who finances with additional copper revenue,” the applicant added to the presidential chair.
Finally, the former member noted that “you have to have a household income on the poverty line for all the people who are in the social register of households today, you have to have a new Middle Class Bonus”.
On the same agenda, Senator Provoste – who has been the leader of the opposition under the common minimum agenda – said this proposal represents the opposition’s effort with think centers, guilds and academics. He said it was a realistic proposal that was “thought of in the dignity of people.”
Regarding financing, Provoste explained that “the Ministry of Finance noted that because of the effects of the price of copper, Chile will have a higher collection. With that we could fund two months of this initiative.”
At Radio Cooperativa, the senator added that “if we were also to use public treasury assets, which is precisely to respond to these crisis situations, and one says, ‘if everything we’ve saved for years is not available in the depths of a crisis like this, when?”
It also contemplated “resource reallocations through temporary funding management of Armed Forces funds and budget reallocations themselves,” which means that “we have more than financed the proposal we have made.”
“Today in the face of this crisis, the state has the mechanisms, the resources and a clear will to be able to go in support of families, small businesses is lacking,” she added.
“Good tone” in La Moneda
Despite considering it “excessive”, in La Moneda they chose to keep the good tone and not bear the opposition’s proposal, according to La Tercera. However, the answer will be given after this weekend’s election, deciding that it allows us to see a change of judgment regarding closing the agreement before the elections.
This change would have to do with the fact that officialism recognizes that the opposition’s offer is broader than Chile Vamos’s, which could generate criticism within the sector, in addition to the electoral costs for the weekend elections.
One of the most disturbing points in officialism is the amount of basic income, which far exceeds the $100,000 per capita that is now earmarked through Emergency Family Income (IFE). Moreover, in the Government that despite the nine days to put together a proposal, the measures only provide for collection, but at no estimated cost.
In this regard, Yasna Provoste told La Tercera that “this proposal has financing: there are resources deposited in sovereign wealth funds, there are the highest incomes for the copper supercycle and there is sufficient debt space.”
In addition, at the meeting, ministers told the opposition that the Executive will expect Chile Vamos’s proposal, which could arrive on Thursday afternoon, although it may take longer to avoid criticism for submitting a lower tax spending proposal.
Provoste argued that “we understand that they want to wait for chV’s proposal, but this has a sense of urgency. We’re not looking at the cronogram, because election times are not the times of families.”
Meanwhile, Senator Carlos Montes (PS) said that “this is the basics that families need during the emergency. It has been seen with 10% withdrawals that there are many basic needs uncovered. This is not to be asked to ask, but we hope that the proposal will be welcomed because each of the measures has a foundation behind it.”
And in the program El Mostrador en La Clave, Senator Montes responded to criticism from the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue (PC) for not including the mining royalty on the agenda of common lows. “If you read the document calmly, the truth is that the subject of royalty is,” he argued, though he clarified that “that would yield by after 2023.”
Chile’s proposal Let’s
For Chile Vamos, the president of Evópoli, Andrés Molina argued that “we are working seriously on the proposal and it has nothing to do with this weekend’s elections, therefore, we will not fall into big announcements. We are very concerned about companies that are not essential, that could not improve, and there we have to arrive with help. But we don’t want to fall for ads hours after the election.”
Meanwhile, Finance Minister Rodrigo Cerda noted that “we will look at the different proposals, we must weigh them and, from that, the government will make a proposal, it will take the necessary time”.
For his part, Government spokesman Jaime Bellolio stated that the formulas were not far from reaching 100% of those registered in the Social Register of Households, in addition to increasing the benefits and granting them for a longer time.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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