translated from Spanish: Victor Blanco: “I dream of a Racing – Independent final”

In the preview of the semi-final Racing vs Boca, the president of Avellaneda’s ensemble, Víctor Blanco, highlighted the possibility of them facing off in a hypothetical final against their classic rival, Independiente: “It’s my dream,” he resequered.” I dream of a Racing-Independent in the final. Little by little we have to hierarchical our classic. There aren’t many in Argentina, we always talk about River and Boca. There are few cities that can afford to have two greats like Racing and Independent,” he said in dialogue with Milenium Sports (FM Milenium 106.7).
In this regard, he added: “We have to emphasize the importance of River and Boca, but we have to empower ourselves and improve on ours. We have to be smart and exploit the potential of our classic”, after racing is imposed in recent clashes with historic victories. In addition, he referred to the format of the Argentine tournament, which is not pleasant for most spectators: “We can’t have this number of teams that we have in Primera. At some point we will have to work seriously and have a tournament in which we can sell the classics and the important matches.”
On the other hand, he was asked about the loss of two key players by FIFA date: “Arias and Mena take them at a difficult time. We’re playing important things. I think the measure of resolving the remaining matches was hasty, we felt harmed,” ahead of the match against Boca.Y finally concluded: “In the Cup anyone comes. In the previous draw we got the worst opponent, Flamengo. In a Cup you never know, if you want to be champion you have to play with everyone. If you could choose, it would be different. But here what he touches, he plays.”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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